January 1, 2021-December 31, 2021
Xenon had planned to hold a “Hands Across America, Part Six” celebration during each and every day of the year to announce the release of his book series, but Covid 19, 20, and 21 squashed that notion. Instead, Xenon will be sitting at home in front of his keyboard, writing even more books! Lose/Win!
Copyright © 2025 Xenon Thudd | Powered by Xenon Thudd
Today, at high noon...
Xenon will be involved, either as a participant or as a judge, in a pistol duel in the county park to settle a dispute over a woman, a pack of unchewed chewing gum, and a misplaced set of nose rings. More likely as a judge.
The outcome of the showdown will be publicized in an updated version of this site. Please come back at least 7-9 times daily to search for that info.
Left: This is what happens when dogs have too much time on their paws.
October 11 / 2020 / 8:00 PM
The date shown above has passed and nothing really happened anyway so no further comment is necessary.
This is not a picture of Xenon lecturing a bunch of kids about respecting their elders. That particular photo is available for purchase at the gift store.